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Below is a list of PPC webinars with our PPC Account Director Shane McKenna. Enjoy


How to Increase Conversion Rates & Drive More Business with PPC


PPC for eCommerce – The Internet’s Shop Window

Landing Pages – The Secret Ingredient For PPC Success


Link Building Outreach: Crafting the Perfect Pitch Email

As an award-winning Digital PR agency we know that outreach is a vital aspect of acquiring links from other websites. But, you can’t secure high-authority links by sending average emails. 

Crafting the perfect pitch email is essential for successful outreach campaigns, both for link-building and Digital PR

If you expect to acquire links by sending the same generic email to everyone, you’ll quickly become frustrated and likely hit a wall. Every email you send out needs to be personalised. 

In this blog post, we’ll break down the process for Digital PR and link building, focusing on various forms and providing tips for writing the perfect email pitch that will land you great branded coverage and juicy links.


Digital PR Campaigns:

If you’re getting into Digital PR, it’s important to know about its different forms. Each campaign needs a different approach when you’re trying to get journalists interested in your story.

Digital PR campaigns include:

  • Reactive Digital PR (Newsjacking)
  • Expert Commentary
  • Survey/Data-based PR
  • Dream Job 


Reactive Digital PR (Newsjacking):

This involves seizing opportunities presented by existing conversations or breaking news stories relevant to your brand. Crafting a pitch email for reactive PR requires promptness and relevance. Keep an eye on news sites and social media for ideas. For example, TikTok is a good place to find trends. Earlier this year, “Drunk Elephant” skincare was trending on TikTok for the wrong reasons. 


Girls between the ages of 8 and 15 were using products like retinol on their faces without understanding the potential long-term effects.

If you’re a dermatologist, this was the perfect opportunity to react to this trend and point out the potential downsides. Even though it may seem entertaining at first to watch these girls have a 50-step skincare routine at only twelve, what about the negative effects it can lead to down the line in the future?

Drunk Elephant skincare


Crafting the perfect email pitch:

Tailor your email to provide valuable insights that the journalist might not be aware of. This gives you leverage as you’re offering something unique. Make sure your subject line references the “trending topic” you’re responding to for relevance.

Grab their attention with the subject line:

  • Innocent Skincare Routine? How Drunk Elephant Is Damaging Young Girls Skin
  • Teens Risk Skin Damage with Early Retinol Use According to a Dermatologist
  • Expert Reveals: 75% of Premature Retinol Users Face Skin Issues Down the Line with Drunk Elephant Products

Adding numbers to your subject line makes the story stronger and more meaningful.

When searching for journalists to send your story to, it’s important to do your research. You don’t want to send your story to a journalist who covers sports when your story is about skincare.

How to find the right journalist?

  • Go to Google
  • Type in the trending topic – for example, “Drunk Elephant Skincare TikTok”
  • Go to the News section
  • Compile your list of journalists 

If some news publications don’t have the journalist’s email address when you click on the article.

Try this:

  • Go to Hunter.io
  • Create a FREE account
  • Go to Finder
  • Type in the journalist’s name and copy the news publication URL
  • Voila their email should appear


Expert Commentary:

Establishing yourself  as a thought leader in your industry involves providing valuable insights on trending topics or issues. Reactive and Expert Commentary have a similar approach with only a few tweaks when it comes to crafting the perfect email pitch.


Crafting the perfect email pitch:

When crafting a pitch email for Expert Commentary, make sure to mention the word “Expert” in your subject line to add weight to the story. 

For example, if you’re a dermatologist or a skincare aesthetician, be sure to mention that in the subject line.

For example:

  • Teens Risk Skin Damage with Early Retinol Use According to a Dermatologist
  • Drunk Elephant’s Dilemma: Expert Warns Early Retinol Use Puts Teens’ Skin at Risk

In your email, if you want, you can even provide a snippet of a quote from the expert to grab the journalist’s attention. If you’re providing a quote, make sure you state the person’s name, position, and put what they said in quotation marks so it’s clear to the journalist that it’s a quote from the expert.

For example:

Ann Doe, Dermatologist at XYZ Clinic said “…..”


Survey/Data-based PR:

Leveraging internal data or conducting surveys can generate newsworthy insights. When pitching data-driven stories, focus on key findings and their implications. Provide journalists with access to your data or offer to provide additional insights or analysis if needed.

When creating your email pitch, it’s important to lead with the results.

For example,

One of our clients, had a data-led Digital PR release about the “Best counties to start a business in Ireland” which led to over twenty links on high-authority publications.

This was our email pitch:


Why it worked?

  • We discussed the metrics we analysed that led to our results.
  • We explained how our data is set up, making it easy for the journalist to understand. In this instance, 1 being the best and 0 the worst.
  • We quickly outlined our results by listing out the counties that made the top 5.
  • We provided a link to our raw data set for the journalist to review and extract anything extra they might need.

Samples of our coverage:

Make it as easy as possible for the journalist to find everything they need in your email pitch. If you have any images or infographics, ensure you use a Dropbox link instead of attaching them as files, as it makes the email look messy and overwhelming. Be sure to state in your email pitch what the Dropbox link includes.


Dream Job Stunt:

This is another form of a Digital PR campaign where you outline a dream job that is exciting and shareable. You’ve probably seen them before, but if you haven’t, here are some examples:

  • Dream Job: Get hired as a professional cheese taster
  • Get paid $2,500 to watch Christmas Movies? Your dream job is here
  • Get paid $2000 to become a “Siminfluencer”

We did a dream job for one of our client’s who works in the influencer marketing space

The dream job was called “Calling all TikTok addicts – this company will pay you $50 an hour to watch TikTok!”. 

Our subject line: 

This Digital PR campaign led to amazing results of 136 links and 199 pieces of coverage. We also increased the client’s referral traffic by over 2000%.

This was our email pitch:

Why it worked?

  • Our subject line, as outlined above, grabbed the journalist’s attention. After all, who doesn’t want to get paid for watching TikToks?
  • We quickly outlined the job and its compensation.
  • We included a link to the application page, ensuring easy access for them to swiftly locate all necessary information.

Quick tip: if you’re pitching your dream job to other countries, make sure you change the currency to reflect that country. For instance, when we sent our dream job campaign to journalists in Ireland, the UK, and the US, we had to ensure we changed the currency for each country to make the story relevant to them. If you want to learn more about this campaign, you can read the full case study here.

Samples of our coverage:



When you’re doing link-building, it’s important to personalise your email depending on what strategy you’re using. When you write your email, think about what the other person gets out of it. If you only talk about what YOU want, they might ignore you. Consider how your request benefits them.


Link-Building Strategies:

There is a variety of link-building strategies out there. Before you choose one, consider your brand and the industry you’re in. Some strategies might not work as easily as others.

Link-Building Strategies include:

  • Guest Posts
  • Resource Link Building
  • Broken Link Building
  • Unlinked Brand Mentions


Guest Posts:

Guest posting is a link-building strategy in which you write and publish articles or blog posts on other websites within your industry or niche. These posts typically include a link back to your website, aiming to improve search engine rankings and drive referral traffic. While guest posting offers benefits such as building backlinks, expanding audience reach, and establishing authority, it’s crucial to create high-quality, relevant content that aligns with the site’s audience and their guidelines.


Crafting the perfect email pitch: 

Explain how your guest post would help their audience, showing your expertise and unique view. Share examples of your past work to prove your writing skills. Make sure the links you provide are to guest posts you’ve done before, not just blog posts from your website. Also, talk about how your post fits their website and what their audience likes. 

For example, we once worked with a health supplement company and we reached out to pharmacies that stocked their products.

We highlighted the rationale behind our desire to contribute a guest post on their website.

  • We analysed their blog posts and selected the ones that could be interlinked with our content.
  • We informed them that it would be a collaborative process:
  • We would suggest topics,
  • They would choose the ones they wanted us to write about.
  • It was FREE! 
  • It would be a blog post written by our experts.

Make sure your email is clear, short, and professional to improve the chances of getting a positive response.


Resource Link-Building: 

Is a link building strategy used in to acquire backlinks from a website that creates valuable industry resources. It requires research as you need to find sites that are relevant.

Example of a resource page can be seen below: 

If your brand is free or offers a free feature related to web design, you can reach out to the author of that page and suggest its inclusion.

How to find these websites?

The easiest way to find relevant websites it to use search operators such as:

  • web design intitle:resources inurl:links.html
  • web design intitle:links inurl: resources.html
  • web design inurl:.com/resources
  • web design inurl:resources intitle:resources


Crafting the perfect email pitch: 

Explain why your product would be the right fit for that specific page. For example, if your web design product is not free or doesn’t offer a free feature, you should not be pitching it to this website. If it’s the right fit, highlight its benefits and try to use stats/figures to show how many people use your product on a regular basis and how they find it useful. Try to link to some testimonials if you can to add that bit of credibility.


Broken Link-Building:

Broken link-building is a strategy used to get links to your website by finding broken or dead links on other websites and suggesting replacements with links to your target page. It involves identifying relevant websites in a particular niche or industry, then searching for broken links within their content. Once broken links are found, the blog post author is contacted, and they are informed about the broken link. 


Crafting the perfect email pitch:

Address the broken link in your email and make sure to include a link to the specific blog post where the broken link is located. Also, mention the anchor text associated with the broken link so it’s easy for the recipient to locate. You don’t want them to go on a treasure hunt trying to find it. When offering a replacement link to your content, be specific about where the link would lead. Ensure that the link directs to your blog page rather than your product or home page. Finally, end your email by offering something in return.

For example:

  • If you’re writing a new blog post, express your interest in featuring their product or service within it.
  • If you have a newsletter, mention that you’d like to include them in it, providing details such as the number of subscribers, open rates, engagement etc.
  • Offer them the opportunity to choose a link placement within your blog post in return.

Reciprocity goes a long way.


Unlinked Brand Mentions:

Unlinked brand mentions occur when online content references a brand but lacks a hyperlink to the brand’s website. In the realm of link building, identifying and pursuing these unlinked brand mentions represents a valuable strategy for acquiring additional backlinks.


Crafting the perfect email pitch:

Begin by expressing gratitude for the mention of your product or service. Then, provide the person with a direct link to the specific blog post or article where the mention occurred. Clearly indicate where you would prefer the link to be directed to on your website. This proactive approach helps streamline communication and eliminates unnecessary back-and-forth in email exchanges.

Sometimes this might happen when you’re doing Digital PR where you send out your release and the journalist forgets to include a link.

This is how you can approach it:

While this approach doesn’t guarantee that you’ll receive the link, it does increase your chances. Remember, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. However, if the journalist or website owner doesn’t respond to your initial email, refrain from sending follow-up messages. Journalists are busy individuals receiving thousands of emails daily, so bombarding them with follow-ups risks straining your relationship with them.

Perfecting your email pitch takes practice. It’s about trying different things and learning what works best. What works for one person might not work for someone else. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to writing emails. That’s why it’s important to try out different strategies and see what works best.

Go get them links!

Check out our guide if you’re interested in learning more about the link prospecting process, but if you want to take your Digital PR and Link-Building to the next level in 2024, get in touch with our amazing SEO team who will work with you to move your business up the rankings and help you build a ton of high-authority links.


Maximise Your Startup’s Exit Value: The Power of Strategic PR

Unlocking the secret to skyrocketing your startup’s exit value lies not just in your balance sheets, but in the power of reputation—now recognised as a pivotal driver of business value, influencing a substantial portion of market capitalisation across leading companies (as highlighted by ‘The Reputation Dividend Report‘).

In the realm of startups, where every journey is fraught with challenges and competition, a well-crafted PR strategy can be the difference between a modest farewell and a grand exit. Here’s a guide to leveraging PR for maximising your startup’s value upon exit.


1. Craft a Compelling Brand Story

Why It Matters: A compelling brand story does more than distinguish you from the competition; it connects on an emotional level with your audience, including potential buyers. This connection can turn into a powerful driver of value. 

How to Do It: 

  • Define Your Core Message: Start by clearly defining what your startup stands for. What problem are you solving? How does your journey resonate with a broader narrative? 
  • Be Authentic: Authenticity can’t be faked. Share real stories of challenges, victories, and lessons learnt. 
  • Engage Your Audience: Use multiple channels to tell your story. Blogs, social media, and press releases are your allies in weaving a narrative that engages and captivates.


2. Build Unshakeable Credibility

Why It Matters: Trust is the currency of business. Establishing your startup as a credible, authoritative source in your industry can dramatically increase its attractiveness to potential acquirers. 

How to Do It: 

  • Showcase Expertise: Share your knowledge through thought leadership articles, speaking engagements, and participation in industry panels. 
  • Leverage Testimonials and Case Studies: Nothing builds credibility like the endorsement of satisfied customers and successful projects. 
  • Partner with Reputable Brands: Collaborations can lend their credibility to your startup, enhancing your stature in the industry. 


3. Highlight Your Unique Selling Points

Why It Matters: Your Unique Selling Points (USPs) are what set you apart. In a sea of startups, your USPs are your lighthouse, guiding potential buyers to your shore. 

How to Do It: 

  • Identify and Articulate Your USPs: Clearly define what makes your startup unique. Is it your technology, your business model, or perhaps your team’s expertise? 
  • Create USP-focused Content: Develop content that highlights your USPs, from detailed blog posts to engaging videos. 
  • Use PR to Broadcast Your USPs: Get your USPs featured in media outlets, industry blogs, and social media channels. 


4. Shape Perceptions

Why It Matters: Perception shapes reality in the business world. A positive public image can enhance your startup’s value and make it a more attractive acquisition target. 

How to Do It: 

  • Monitor Your Online Reputation: Use tools to keep an eye on what’s being said about your startup online. Address negative feedback promptly and professionally. 
  • Engage with Your Community: Be active in your industry community. Attend events, contribute to discussions, and support causes related to your field. 
  • Highlight Milestones and Achievements: Regularly share your startup’s milestones and achievements through press releases and social media. 


5. Master Crisis Management

Why It Matters: How you handle crises can define your startup. Effective crisis management preserves value by maintaining trust and credibility during turbulent times. 

How to Do It: 

  • Have a Plan: Develop a crisis communication plan before you need it. Know who will speak for your company and what channels you will use. 
  • Respond Quickly and Transparently: In times of crisis, a swift and transparent response can prevent damage to your reputation. 
  • Learn and Adapt: After a crisis, analyse what happened and how you can prevent future issues. This learning process is valuable and demonstrates maturity to potential buyers. 


6. Tell Your Story

Why It Matters: Every startup has a unique story that can be a powerful asset when attracting potential acquirers. Your story can turn your vision and journey into tangible value. 

How to Do It: 

  • Craft a Narrative: Develop a narrative that includes your origin story, the obstacles you’ve overcome, and the successes you’ve achieved. 
  • Use Visuals: People love stories, but they love stories with visuals even more. Use images, infographics, and videos to tell your story in a more engaging way. 
  • Share Regularly: Consistency is key. Regular updates keep your audience and potential acquirers engaged with your journey. 


7. Boost Your Visibility

Why It Matters: Visibility can lead to opportunity. Keeping your startup in the spotlight ensures it remains on the radar of industry players, influencers, and potential buyers. 

How to Do It: 

  • Engage with Media: Build relationships with journalists and bloggers in your industry. Pitch interesting stories and be available for comments on industry trends. 
  • Maximise Social Media: Use social media platforms to increase your visibility. Engage in conversations, share content, and participate in relevant hashtags. 
  • Host and Participate in Events: Whether it’s online webinars or industry conferences, being present and visible in these spaces increases your startup’s profile.” 


8. Support Your Financial Story 

Why It Matters: While PR doesn’t fill your coffers directly, it amplifies your financial success stories, attracting buyers willing to pay a premium for a financially sound, popular, and respected company. 

How to Do It: 

  • Highlight Financial Milestones: Use PR to broadcast your financial achievements, such as funding rounds, revenue milestones, or profitability. 
  • Tie Achievements to Narrative: Connect your financial success stories back to your broader company narrative. This demonstrates not just growth but sustainable, value-driven growth. 
  • Use Data Effectively: Data can tell a compelling story. Use metrics and analytics to back up your success stories, making them more tangible and credible to potential acquirers. 

Remember, a strategic PR approach can be the difference between a good exit and a great one. As you build your startup, build your story and reputation alongside it. When the time comes to exit, you’ll find that your efforts have significantly increased your company’s worth.  

Let’s make your exit story as remarkable as your startup journey! 

Server-Side Tracking: Enhancing Performance Marketing Campaigns

There is a change around the corner within digital marketing. Google has announced that will remove 3rd party cookies (and therefore tracking) from all Chrome browsers. With this change, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. One solution is the use of server-side tracking.

In this article, we will explore the world of server-side tracking and examine its pros and cons for performance marketing campaigns.


What is Server-Side Tracking?

Server-side tracking is a method of collecting user data through a 1st party cookie which you own. This is hosted on your website, and it sends the data to your cloud server, from where it will be directed to your marketing interfaces (Google Ads, Meta, Tiktok etc).

With traditional tracking, we see third parties collecting the raw data directly for your website. This allows server-side tracking to give you more control over the data that is collected on your website.

Image = Google


The Need for Server-Side Tracking

The digital marketing industry has relied heavily on traditional tracking (using cookies) for years. This method involves transmitting data directly from a user’s browser to third-party servers using tags or pixels. However, with increasing privacy concerns and the rise of ad blockers, traditional tracking is facing limitations. As a response, server-side is seen as a workaround to the removal of traditional 3rd party tracking, so that you can continue to track conversions.


The Impact of Google’s Removal of 3rd Party Cookies

Google’s decision to phase out third-party cookies from its Chrome browser marks a significant shift in the digital marketing landscape. With Chrome holding a substantial market share, this move will have far-reaching implications. Marketers must adapt to this cookie-less future and explore alternative ways to gather accurate data for their campaigns.

Google is working on this removal, and it should happen in Q4 of 2023, however this could get pushed back due to limitations. Google is currently testing the impact of this on 1% of browsers globally.

We have already seen the impact of the removal of 3rd party cookies on IOS. Anyone advertising on Meta for example could have seen a major decrease in performance as apple’s ITP updates restricted the Meta ad pixel.

The removal of 3rd party cookies on Chrome is the next logical step as we move more towards a privacy-focused world.


Understanding Server-Side Tracking

To understand the benefits and drawbacks of server-side tracking, we must first differentiate it from traditional tracking. Traditional tracking involves collecting user data directly in the browser using JavaScript snippets. This data is then sent to third-party servers for analysis. In contrast, server-side tracking operates by sending user data to a tracking server owned by the website. For example, this could be a Google Cloud server with can easily integrate with Google Tag Manager. The tracking server acts as an intermediary, consolidating and controlling the flow of data.


The Pros of Server-Side Tracking


1. Enhanced Data Control and Privacy Compliance

One of the primary advantages of server-side tracking is the increased control it provides over data collection. Unlike traditional tracking, where third-party services may scrape user data without consent, server-side tracking ensures that sensitive user information remains secure. The tag is 1st party, meaning that you remain in control of the data which prevents dependance on 3rd parties.

By maintaining control over data collection, marketers can adhere to privacy regulations such as GDPR.


2. Bypassing Ad Blockers

Ad blockers have become a common tool for internet users seeking to eliminate intrusive advertisements. However, these blockers also hinder traditional tracking by preventing the firing of tags and scripts. Server-side tracking offers a workaround by leveraging a website’s subdomain, making it difficult for ad blockers to detect and block tracking requests. This allows marketers to gather data even from users employing ad-blocking software.


3. Improved Website Performance

3rd party tracking tags can significantly impact website performance, leading to slower page load times. This can result in a poor user experience and negatively affect SEO rankings and also crucially conversion rates.

Server-side tracking, on the other hand, reduces the reliance on resource-intensive JavaScript code, resulting in improved website speed and overall performance. This is because server-side tracking deploys a single (1st party) tracking tag on the site. This streamlines all performance tagging in the site which leads to greater efficiency.


4. Prolonged Cookie Shelf Life

3rd party tracking relies on cookies stored in a user’s browser to track their activity. However, browsers like Safari and Firefox automatically delete these cookies after a certain period. Server-side tracking overcomes this limitation by utilizing first-party cookies with extended expiry dates. This ensures that user data remains accessible for longer periods, allowing for more accurate attribution and personalized experiences.


The Cons of Server-Side Tracking


1. Implementation Complexity

Implementing server-side tracking requires technical expertise and involvement. It involves setting up a tracking server, configuring the data flow, and ensuring seamless integration with analytics tools. This complexity may pose a challenge for marketers with limited technical resources or expertise.


2. Limited Cross-Domain Tracking

Server-side tracking operates within the confines of a single website’s subdomain. This can limit the ability to track user behaviour across multiple domains, which may be a requirement for some marketing campaigns. Marketers must carefully consider their tracking needs and evaluate whether server-side tracking can adequately fulfil them if they are relying on cross-domain tracking.


3. Potential Data Loss

As data passes through various servers and systems in server-side tracking, there is a potential risk of data loss or discrepancies. Marketers must implement robust data management practices and ensure data integrity throughout the tracking process.


Implementing Server-Side Tracking

Implementing server-side tracking requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some steps to help you get started:


1. Determine Your Tracking Needs

Evaluate your tracking requirements and identify the specific data points you need to collect. Consider factors such as attribution, personalization, and user journey analysis.


2. Choose a Server-Side Tracking Solution

Research and select a server-side tracking solution that aligns with your business goals and technical capabilities. Popular options include Google Tag Manager but there are numerous other solutions depending on your needs.


3. Set Up a Tracking Server

Establish a tracking server that you own and control. This server will act as the intermediary between your website and analytics tools, ensuring data privacy and security.


4. Configure Data Flow and Integration

Map out the data flow from your website to the tracking server and then to your chosen analytics tools. Ensure seamless integration and data compatibility between systems.


5. Test and Optimize

Thoroughly test your server-side tracking implementation to ensure data accuracy and integrity. Continuously monitor and optimize your tracking setup to maximise its effectiveness.



Server-side tracking is an alternative to traditional 3rd party tracking. The beauty is the use of a single first-party tracking tag that you own. With the removal of 3rd party cookies, we must adapt and we at Legacy Communications believe that server-side tracking is the way to go.

Server-side tracking provides greater control over data, bypasses ad blockers, improves website performance, and ensures compliance with privacy regulations. Implementation may be difficult but once you overcome this barrier, you will have a valuable tool for enhancing performance marketing campaigns across all channels. This will allow you to future-proof your marketing analytics.

Get More Leads and Increase Sales with Automated Bidding Strategies

In today’s digital landscape, driving leads and increasing sales is a top priority for businesses of all sizes. One effective way to achieve these goals is through automated bidding strategies in your paid search campaigns. By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, automated bidding can optimise your bids in real-time to maximize conversions while staying within your budget. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the power of automated bidding and provide actionable insights on generating more leads and increasing sales using these strategies.

Understanding Automated Bidding

Automated bidding is a feature within Google Ads that utilizes machine learning algorithms to automatically adjust your bids based on real-time data. Unlike manual bidding, where you set bids manually, automated bidding takes into account a wide range of factors to determine the optimal bid for your ads. By automating the bidding process, you can save time and effort while maximizing your return on investment (ROI). This allows you more time to concentrate on other important items, such as testing.

The Power of Maximize Conversions Bidding

One of the most popular automated bidding strategies is Maximize Conversions bidding. This strategy is designed to help you get the most conversions possible while staying within your budget. Maximize Conversions bidding leverages historical campaign data to adjust your bids during auctions, ensuring that you are bidding competitively for valuable leads.

When to Use Maximize Conversions Bidding

Maximize Conversions bidding is particularly effective for campaigns where the primary goal is to generate as many conversions as possible. Whether you’re looking to drive newsletter sign-ups, app downloads, product purchases, or leads this bidding strategy can help you achieve your objectives. Additionally, if you have a specific target cost per action (CPA) in mind, you can set a target CPA with Maximize Conversions bidding to ensure that your bids are optimized to meet your desired cost per conversion. As seen below.

Best Practices for Maximize Conversions Bidding

To make the most of Maximize Conversions bidding, it’s important to follow some best practices:

  1. Provide Sufficient Data: Maximize Conversions bidding relies on historical campaign data to optimize your bids. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that you have enough conversion data for the algorithm to work with. The more data the algorithm has access to, the better it can optimize bids to drive conversions.
  2. Allow Sufficient Learning Time: Automated bidding strategies like Maximize Conversions bidding require time to learn and optimize your bids. It’s common for the algorithm to take a week or more to gather enough data and provide meaningful results. Be patient and give the algorithm enough time to gather insights and improve your bidding strategy.
  3. Track Conversions Regularly: Tracking conversions is essential to gauge the effectiveness of Maximize Conversions bidding. Regularly monitor your conversion data using Google Ads’ tracking tools and make necessary adjustments to your campaign to ensure effective budget allocation and bidding optimization.
  4. Monitor Your Budget: While Maximize Conversions bidding is designed to maximize conversions, it’s important to keep an eye on your budget. This bidding strategy will aim to spend your entire budget to maximize conversions. If you have a strict budget limitation, consider using alternative bidding strategies outlined in this guide to prevent overspending.

Exploring Other Automated Bidding Strategies

While Maximize Conversions bidding is a powerful strategy, it’s worth exploring other automated bidding strategies to find the one that best aligns with your campaign goals and budget. Here are some additional strategies to consider:

Target CPA (tCPA)

We have already touched on Target CPA. Target CPA is an automated bidding strategy that sets bids to help you achieve the most conversions at your target cost per action (CPA). By specifying your desired CPA, Google Ads will automatically adjust your bids to optimize for conversions while maintaining your desired cost efficiency.

This is a good solution for ad campaigns that steady conversions each day. You mustn’t see a sudden drop-off in conversion data when running this strategy. The system will continue to look for the target CPA and will start to bid down to achieve this. This will result in you dropping out of the auctions and therefore you will see fewer clicks.

Maximize Conversion Value

For campaigns where conversion value is more important than the sheer number of conversions, Maximize Conversion Value bidding is a suitable strategy. By setting a target ROAS, you can ensure that your budget is allocated to maximize conversion value while achieving a minimum return on ad spend.

Again this can be great for B2B and full-funnel strategies. However, you need to make sure that you pay close attention to your campaign budgets. The system is designed to spend your budget and will increase CPCs which can lead to overspends.

Target ROAS (tROAS)

Target ROAS is a bidding strategy that focuses on maximizing conversion value at your target return on ad spend (ROAS). By setting a target ROAS, you can optimize your budget to generate the highest possible conversion value while achieving your desired return on investment.

This can be a good strategy for B2B accounts, with multiple lead goals. You assign a value to each lead goal and the Google Ads system will prioritise the goals with the highest value. It is also great for “full-funnel” strategies where you assign a different value to a goal further up the funnel versus those at the bottom.

As with Target CPA is vital that you don’t see a sudden drop in any conversions. The system will start to bid down and you will see fewer overall clicks.

This strategy can be implemented by selecting the TROAS option within the conversion value strategy, as seen below.

Maximize Clicks

If your primary goal is to drive traffic to your website, Maximize Clicks bidding is an effective strategy. This automated bidding strategy optimizes your bids to generate the maximum number of clicks within your budget, helping you increase website traffic and potential leads.

This strategy can be great for accounts that see high levels of conversions that are stable day to day. The thinking is that if clicks go up so do conversions. If you use this strategy when “limited by budget”, the system will look for more clicks at the lowest possible cost and will therefore drive more overall traffic and conversions.

As with Maximize Conversion Value, this strategy will tell the system to spend your budget, so you must play close attention to campaign budgets.

Choosing the Best Bidding Strategy for Your Campaign

Selecting the best bidding strategy for your campaign depends on your specific goals and budget. If your primary objective is to drive conversions, Maximize Conversions bidding is a strong choice. For advertisers focused on maximizing return on ad spend (ROAS), Target ROAS is the ideal strategy. Maximise clicks is effective for driving website traffic which can lead to more overall conversions.

Whatever bidding strategy you use, it is important to remember that the strategy will go into a learning period, which could take several weeks to exit. During this time, it is likely that you will see a decrease in performance. However, once the strategy gets enough data and starts to optimize, performance should recover and exceed past performance. Remember, sometimes you need to go “down” to go “up”. Therefore, it’s also important to test a new strategy. This can be actioned with a simple A/B test within Google Ads. However, remember to leave enough time for the test to run with the learning period.


Automated bidding strategies offer an efficient and effective way to generate more leads and increase sales from your Google Ads strategy. By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, you can optimize your bids in real-time to maximize conversions while staying within your budget. Whether you choose Maximize Conversions bidding or explore other automated bidding strategies, remember to provide sufficient data, allow sufficient learning time, and regularly track conversions and budgets. With the right bidding strategy in place, you can drive meaningful results and achieve your campaign goals

How to Increase Conversions With A/B Split Testing

As we all know, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website and boosting conversions. However, success in the world of PPC ads isn’t guaranteed. To maximize the return on your investment, you need to continually optimise your ad campaigns. A/B testing is a vital component of this optimisation process, as it allows you to see what works and what doesn’t. We are after all data-driven marketers. We don’t know what idea is going to work until we test it.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of A/B testing for your PPC campaigns, helping you make the most of your advertising budget.

The Dos of A/B Split Testing

In this section, we will cover everything you should do for successful A/B testing that moves the needle. These are tried and tested methods that I’ve used throughout my career that are both important to increase conversion rates but also click-through rates so that you can drive more traffic and sales.

Set Clear Goals:

Before you start A/B testing, define clear and measurable goals for your PPC campaign. Are you looking to increase click-through rates (CTR), conversions, or reduce your cost per acquisition (CPA)?

Understanding your objectives will guide your testing efforts. In general, for ad testing, you should be working to increase CTR, while with landing page tests, you will want to increase conversion rates (Conv %), for example.

The two most common forms of testing are either ad testing or landing page testing.

Both of these test types are designed to increase CTR and conversion rate respectively. Understanding what you want to achieve will show you what variables are important.

Test a Single Variable:

Yes, that’s right, only test for one metric at a time. A/B testing works best when you isolate a single variable to test.

This could be the headlines, call-to-action, or the single elements of the landing. Testing multiple elements simultaneously can make it difficult to determine what’s driving changes in performance.

It’s vital that you know what is having an impact on your ad copy and landing page and that you can keep it as simple as possible in your testing strategy. This will also allow you to logically and strategically move on to the next test as you will know what variable worked or didn’t work. For example, simply test the form on your landing page, as seen below.

Use a Large Enough Sample Size:

To ensure the results of your A/B test are statistically significant, make sure you have a large enough sample size.

A small sample can lead to unreliable results. Google Ads offer statistical significance calculators to help you determine when you have enough data.

An idea would be to test with your top-performing campaigns, in terms of clicks and/or impressions. This will allow for a large enough sample size, which also makes sure that any success can “move the needle”. This would naturally be dependent on your business needs.

If we use the below as an example, you can see that the trail has a higher click-through rate (CTR). However, it does not have statistical significance.

For the test to reach statistical significance, we will need to reach 30,000 impressions. It is more than likely that while the test was positive in this regard it will not be positive in a real-world environment.

Implement Proper Tracking:

Properly setting up conversion tracking is essential. It enables you to measure the impact of your changes accurately. Use UTM parameters and Google Analytics to track user behaviour and conversions on your website.

You need to make sure that you have as much data as possible. Make sure that you are measuring what’s important (and only what’s important) to your business.

These could be sales or leads through the website, calls and conversions imported from Google Analytics or third parties.

Run Tests for an Adequate Duration:

Don’t end your A/B test prematurely. Running tests for at least 1 month allows you to capture variations in user behaviour over time.

Seasonal fluctuations and other external factors can affect results, so be patient. This can be especially true when testing bidding strategies, as you will have to go through a “learning period”. Performance can decrease during this.

Remember, sometimes you need to “go down to go up”.

As you can see from the below example, the trial ad test was winning, until the 17th Oct. At this point, we saw a switch in performance where the base started to drive a higher CTR at a much higher rate. This completely changed the outcome of the test. Had this test been ended early and set live across the account, results would have been negative.

If vital that you don’t make assumptions about your test and that every decision is made in a data-driven manner.

Analyse and Document Results:

It is important that you create a test and learn section. Once your A/B test is complete, analyse the data carefully. Document what worked and what didn’t. These insights will inform future campaigns and improvements. I find it best to create a series of slides (or one-pagers) collected together and shared internally within your organisation. Please see the example below.

Following these steps will allow you to identify what to test plus how to interpret and track your data. This is the important aspect in creating a good A/B testing strategy which will put you on the right track for success.

It’s just as important to be aware of “what not to do” as it is to be aware of “what to do”. In the next section, I will dive into just that.

What not to do When Running A/B Split Tests

Ignoring Mobile Users:

Mobile devices play a significant role in PPC traffic. Don’t neglect mobile optimization when A/B testing. Ensure your ads and landing pages are mobile-friendly to capture this valuable audience. Performance can swing greatly depending on the device. As you can see from the example below.

For this account, CTR is greater on computers, but the conversion rate is better on mobile. This is something that must be considered when looking at a testing strategy. It’s possible to do separate tests on mobile versus desktop.

Not Having a Testing Calendar:

You have to plan correctly for your testing programme. Basically, you should be at least covering ad copy and landing pages.

But you can include strategy tests such as bidding, exact and phrase in a single campaign etc. You should create a testing repository of all ideas.

You can then create a testing calendar from this repository, as seen below.

It’s possible to test in a similar pattern as below or mix and match depending on your needs. The important thing is to make sure that you know what you are going to test, for how long, and what the variables will be.

Remember, if the test does not yield a positive result, you can still use this as an insight into what doesn’t work and tweak it if necessary. For that reason, your testing calendar can be quite flexible and open to change depending on business needs.

Neglecting Ad Extensions:

Ad extensions can significantly impact the performance of your PPC ads. Don’t forget to test various ad extensions such as site links, callouts, and structured snippets.

While ad extensions have their individual uses (such as the call extensions to drive calls), in the main they are important for increasing click-through rates on the main body of the ad.

Failure to implement ad extensions on the trail section of the A/B test will skew your data.

Overlooking Negative Keywords:

A/B testing isn’t just about what you include; it’s also about what you exclude. Neglecting negative keywords can lead to wasted ad spend. Continuously review and update your negative keyword list.

This is especially true with Google’s recent changes to its match-type targeting. Today, “exact” isn’t really “exact” and phrase is the new broad modifier. Broad modifier of course going the “way of the dodo”! Therefore, you need to pay close attention to the search term report.

Google has also started to show less data within the search term report, so any indication that a test campaign is driving irrelevant traffic should be taken very seriously.

As you can see below, sometimes you need to add negative keywords on a daily basis before you start seeing relevant traffic.

Ignoring Competitor Analysis:

Don’t operate in a vacuum. Regularly analyse what your competitors are doing in the PPC space. Their strategies can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your own A/B testing efforts.

Sometimes some of the best ideas are stolen. Remember that you are all fighting for the same paid search traffic. Therefore, if they are winning you are losing.

Also regularly monitoring the auction insight report, will give you a view of your place within the market and competitor movements in terms of spend etc, as seen below.

There are some great competitor tools out there such as SEM Rush, which will give you an idea of competitor ads and keyword strategies which should also be looked at.

A/B Split Testing: Conclusion

A/B testing is the cornerstone of successful PPC campaigns. When done correctly, it empowers you to make data-driven decisions, optimise your ad spend, and achieve your marketing goals.

By following the dos and don’ts outlined in this blog post, you can elevate the results of your PPC ad campaigns and stay ahead of the competition.

Remember, PPC advertising is an ongoing process, and A/B testing is your secret weapon for continuous improvement.

If you would like to discuss PPC strategies in more detail and what we can do for your business, please contact me at shane@legacycommunications.com.

PS: Our test and learn “one-pager” plus testing calendar are available here.





Some of our favourite Sport & Sponsorship Campaigns Recently

Brand and Sponsorship Senior Account Executive, Tia Wade and Account Executive, Kellie Cassidy took some time to not just reflect on Legacy’s clients and their campaigns, but they also looked further afield to campaigns within the industry that caught their eye alongside key takeaways.

#1 Personal Best with a Twist

Our client ASICS have always believed in the positive benefits of movement on the body, and the mind. It’s why they’re called ASICS which stands for ‘Anima Sana In Corpore Sano’, or a Sound Mind in a Sound Body. Research shows that millions of people are missing out on the benefits of exercise because they find sport and exercise intimidating. That’s why we love this campaign from the EMEA/UK team and ASICS is championing a more welcoming exercise culture that celebrates the way exercise makes us all feel in their new campaign. No times. No stats. No numbers.


ASICS highlights those who don’t exercise for fast times, but who move for something far more important, their mental wellbeing. See more HERE

#2 Unique Kit Launch – Manchester United

Manchester United and Adidas took their 2023/24 season kit drop to a whole new level this year to remind the world of who the Red Devils are. From Aitch leaking the new home shirt live from the Pyramid stage at Glastonbury days before its official release, to stripping back to their DNA with the green-striped away jersey, the world is reminded of where Man Utd come from. However, it is the launch of the third kit that is making a statement.

Dropping the club crest entirely, Man Utd opted for the return of Roy Keane to Old Trafford to appeal to the older fanbase.


Rather than falling into the hands of predictability, use unexpected voices to promote your campaign to tap into a broader market.

#3 Timely Marketing with New Balance – ‘Call Me Coco Champion’

Coco Gauff won her first Grand Slam championship at the US Open, New Balance, her sponsor, unveiled a new line of T-shirts with the message ‘Call me Coco Champion’

These shirts, celebrating Gauff’s milestone, featured the revived “Call Me Coco” slogan from New Balance’s original campaign. Gauff, initially gained fame four years ago by defeating Venus Williams and the hashtag #callmecoco became an instant trend.

Coco and her family and friends celebrated in the t-shirt commemorating the moment and partnership. New Balance launched the t-shirts on their website the following day and sold out within hours following multiple re-stocks.

Seizing timely marketing opportunities, like New Balance’s swift response to Coco Gauff’s US Open victory through t-shirts and a modified slogan, effectively taps into significant moments in an athlete’s journey while building brand awareness.  

New Balance reported 145,000 unique visits to the t-shirt’s page on their website and a 500% increase in keyword searches for “Coco” in September

#4 Creative PR Drop

The day before Steven Bartlett launched his new book ‘The Diary of a CEO’, Influencers received a locked box in the post. In order to open the box, a picture of the drop needed to be shared online in order to receive the lock combination to open the drop.

Inside the box was Steven’s latest book alongside a personal touch of the photo of the Influencer and a relevant rule of life/business from the book.


This innovative approach gamified the book’s release, providing an engaging way to ensure that the PR package would be shared widely across social media platforms.

Ryder Cup Commercial Overload

With Europe celebrating their success of regaining the title of Ryder Cup Champions, conversation Stateside turns to viewers frustration of commercial bombardment. Viewers one by one logged online to express their frustration at the ongoing commercial advertisements causing them to miss key moments in the matches with some moments not being shown at all.

This is not the first time NBC have caused frustration with viewers around commercial overload, with viewers of both the US Open and British Open complaining of commercial overload in the early rounds of the tournament with the network appearing to frontload advertisements.


Bombarding consumers with an excessive number of ads can lead to a negative impact on a brand’s image. When managing targeted advertising efforts, it is crucial to maintain a heightened awareness of ad frequency and seek ways to prevent overexposure.

Honouring our Brand Ambassadors

Needing no intro, laya is proud to work alongside Ambassador Johnny Sexton for the last number of years. This year is a bittersweet time for Johnny as he retires from his outstanding rugby career and laya wanted to commemorate Johnny on his achievements to date. Legacy Communications worked alongside laya to create ‘Driven’, a captivating video series where the iconic Johnny Sexton takes the hot seat in conversations with some of Ireland’s leading sport stars, with each athlete sharing their journey on what drove them to the height of their career while connecting with Johnny on another level.

Laya healthcare’s Multifaceted Campaign with Rugby Legend Johnny Sexton

Laya healthcare is thrilled to unveil its latest endeavour, ‘Driven,’ a multi-platform campaign featuring a five-part video series in conversation with brand ambassador, Johnny Sexton, that delves into the profound self-belief of some of Ireland’s greatest sports stars.

Created in collaboration with us in Legacy Communications, and produced by Motherland, ‘Driven’ is set to inspire and captivate audiences as brand ambassador Johnny Sexton engages in heartfelt and unique conversations with other sporting legends, hosted by Richie Sadlier.

With ‘Driven,’ viewers gain an exclusive peek into what motivates Johnny Sexton, as he leads the Irish rugby team this weekend in France. The series features intimate discussions Leona Maguire, Henry Shefflin, Cora Staunton, and Johnny’s brother, Mark Sexton about the rise of their individual sporting careers and what drove them to perform at their best even through tough times. Through their anecdotes and insights, the series offers a rare glimpse into the inner drive that powers these iconic athletes.

The ‘Driven’ series promises to be a must-watch for sports enthusiasts, offering a deep dive into the minds of Ireland’s greatest athletes, fuelled by their unwavering determination. With Johnny Sexton at the helm, ‘Driven’ brings forth the stories of these iconic athletes who have risen to legendary status through their unwavering belief in themselves.

See more layahealthcare.ie/driven

How to find link opportunities using the Snowball Method

How to find link opportunities using the Snowball Method


Building quality links takes time and patience. However, it can be difficult to find the right link opportunities for your business if your product/service is in a less popular niche. You might find yourself in a situation where you run out of link prospects very fast. Let’s face it, that’s the worst feeling ever. The best way to increase your chances of success is to always have a pipeline of link opportunities. What’s the secret to never running out of link opportunities?

The answer is simple: The Snowball Method

In this post, we’ll take you through The Snowball Method. This method will make it super easy for you to find an infinite amount of link prospects in a matter of seconds. Let’s dive right in!


What is the Snowball Method?

The Snowball Method is a link prospecting strategy on steroids that will help you find link opportunities for your business. How did it come about? Well, in 2022 while working on a particularly tricky link-building campaign, we found ourselves at a dead end. It was hard for us to find link opportunities because our client wanted to build links in a niche that wasn’t very popular. We had no other option but to be creative with our approach. With this approach, we were able to secure their links on high authority sites with DR 90+ and page traffic of over 1,000 visits per month.


Let’s be honest, finding link opportunities is easy when you’re in a popular niche such as marketing or sales. For example, if you’re looking to build links to a page about web hosting it’s not a niche that’s covered a lot, so you’ll run out of potential link prospects fast. You might find link prospects through listicles such as “Top 10 Best Web Hosting Providers 2023” which are a great starting point for link building but you will run out of these opportunities due to the nature of the niche.

The Snowball Method consists of three simple steps.


Step 1: Identify Shoulder Niches

With the Snowball Method, you need to identify shoulder niches in the industry you are in. This will increase your chances of finding link prospects.

What does that mean?

If you’re looking to build links to a page about SSL encryption, for example, your shoulder niches could be sites that talk about: 

  • How to start a business
  • How to sell online 
  • How to make more money online


Well if you want to start a business you have to have an online presence. Customers need to be able to find you online, so having a website is crucial. To sell your products/services online safely you will need SSL encryption. SSL protects online transactions and ensures that sensitive data is encrypted and transmitted securely. Jackpot…here lie your link opportunities!

Let’s explore another example…

If you want to build links to a page about web hosting your shoulder niches could be sites that talk about:

  • How to start a blog
  • How to create a brand
  • Affiliate marketing

Again all of these examples require a web hosting solution. You can’t publish a blog if you don’t have a web hosting provider. As with affiliate marketing, if you want to earn a commission by promoting a product or service, you need a place for people to find your links long-term, and having your website will boost your brand even further.

Always try to make your product/service as relevant as possible to the content already on the page. By doing this, you won’t need to go back and forth with the other person to find a suitable place for your link.

So how do you find these sites?

Go to Ahrefs > Keyword Explorer > Type in keyword/phrase > Export SERP overview

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and there you will find a ton of websites you can reach out to for a link-building collaboration. Export all of these sites into an Excel spreadsheet to make it easier for you to sieve out any irrelevant websites before you start your outreach.

It’s important to only reach out to relevant sites. If your link doesn’t fit naturally into their current content, it’s not a good fit. Make sure that you analyse the page you want to add your link to and specify where it should go. 

Once you have compiled your sites from your SERP overview we can dive even deeper to find more link prospects.


Step 2: Identify Keyword Variations for your Shoulder Niche

It’s important to have keyword variations for your shoulder niche. As this will increase your chances of finding link opportunities. If you’re stuck and can’t think of any keyword variations there are two ways to go about it.

  • Use Keyword Ideas in Ahrefs

Go to Ahrefs > Keyword Explorer > Type in keyword/phrase > Keyword ideas

The beauty of this trick is that you’ll never have to worry about running out of ideas. From this keyword example alone as you can see there are 32,339 results already. 

When you click View All you can also explore the monthly number of searches for this keyword. Getting your links seen by the right people can be achieved by optimizing your link-building strategy based on keyword search volume.

  • Use Top Pages in Ahrefs

Another great way to find keyword variations is through Top Pages in Ahrefs.

How does it work?

Analyse the shoulder niches you have found in Step 1 through the SERP overview as seen below.

Choose a website from your SERP overview let’s say for this example, we will choose the website ryrob.com

Go to Ahrefs > Site Explorer > Input your Website > Top Pages >Top Keyword

Look at the website’s top keywords based on their top pages. One of the website’s top keywords is “business ideas”. If we are to use this keyword in the context of trying to build links to a page about web hosting. There is a high chance that if you want to start a business you will need a website and that will require a web hosting solution to publish your website content on the internet.

Again once you have your new keyword put it into keyword explorer and export the SERP overview for your chosen keyword. As you can see below for the keyword “business ideas” there are infinite websites you can start reaching out to. Your outreach should emphasize how your site is relevant and how it adds value to the existing content.


Step 3: Identify the Competitor’s Website for more Link Opportunities

The Snowball Method quickly finds competitors’ websites you can use to build out your link prospect list.

How does that work?

As mentioned previously once you have your chosen keyword from your SERP overview pick any website from that list and insert that website into site explorer in Ahrefs.

For this example, let’s go with the website we used above ryrob.com to keep things consistent.

Go to Ahrefs > Site Explorer > Input your site > Organic Competitors

In the organic competitor’s section, you will find sites that ryrob.com is competing with and you can use these websites to analyse their keywords. This will help you find more keyword ideas you can use to find even more sites that might link to your web hosting page for example.

This is a great way to find top-performing pages that are ranking for your chosen keyword and further build out your link prospect list. This is the magic of the Snowball Method you can just continue snowballing and snowballing these link opportunities until oblivion. No matter what industry you find yourself in with the Snowball Method you can easily build links that will skyrocket your content up the Google charts.

A quick tip when you’re trying to get your link on any site make sure you reach out to:

  • The author of that specific page 


  • The marketing manager/content manager

These people will be your best bet at increasing your chances of getting a link on your desired page.

Happy Snowballing!

If you’re interested in taking your link-building to the next level in 2023, get in touch with our amazing Search team who will work with you to move your business up the rankings and help you find link opportunities.

What Does AI Mean for the Future of Digital PR?

What Does AI Mean for the Future of Digital PR?

“AI is a tool that should enhance and complement the work of PR professionals, rather than replace them entirely.”

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly integral part of our daily lives.

From voice assistants to autonomous vehicles, AI is transforming various industries, and digital PR is no exception. While it might be easy to focus on the negatives when it comes to AI and the workplace, it can also possibly revolutionize the digital PR industry if used correctly.

We have compiled a list of eight key ways that we predict AI might change the industry – and how to use it to your advantage.


Ideation Will Get Easier – If Used Correctly 💡

One of the key benefits of AI in Digital PR is its ability to streamline the ideation process. By analyzing vast amounts of data and consumer insights, AI-powered tools can help generate valuable ideas for PR campaigns and strategies.

Leveraging AI correctly can enable PR professionals to identify emerging trends, anticipate customer needs, and develop targeted and impactful PR campaigns. Ideation is often the hardest part – especially for digital PR professionals so any help is a big one in this case and AI definitely has the potential to get the creative juices flowing, but can’t be relied on entirely.


Learning New Skills Can Also Become Easier 🤔

AI technology not only assists with generating ideas but also facilitates the process of acquiring new skills.

With AI-powered training platforms, PR practitioners can access personalized learning experiences, allowing them to upskill and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends – and quickly learn information about their various clients’ areas of expertise. This ensures that PR professionals can adapt to the evolving digital landscape and stay ahead of the competition.


It’s Also Great for Solving Simple Equations 📐

When marketers are expected to solve complex mathematical equations – things can get tricky fairly fast. While Digital PRs may be experts at creativity, the majority aren’t experts when it comes to maths, statistics or percentages – However, between indexes and data sets, math and digital PR do tend to go hand in hand.
AI can be particularly helpful in handling routine calculations and data analysis. By automating mundane tasks, such as data processing or statistical analysis, AI enables PR practitioners to focus their time and energy on more strategic and creative aspects of their work.


It Could Be Useful for Data Entry in the Future Too 💻

Data entry is an essential but often time-consuming task in Digital PR. AI technology has the potential to automate this process by extracting and categorizing relevant information from various sources. By automating data entry, AI may allow PR professionals to save time, reduce human error, and allocate their efforts toward more creative activities.


AI Is Also Helpful for Writing Press Releases ✏️

Writing compelling press releases is a crucial aspect of Digital PR. AI-powered writing tools can assist PR professionals in crafting well-structured and engaging content.

By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, these tools can suggest improvements, provide grammar and style suggestions, and ensure that press releases are optimized for maximum impact (and links) for your clients.


And It Can Even Help the Outreach Process Too ✉️

AI technology can also revolutionize the outreach process in Digital PR. AI-powered tools can analyze vast amounts of data to identify potential influencers, journalists, or media outlets relevant to a specific campaign.

Additionally, AI may be able to assist in personalizing outreach messages, increasing the likelihood of building meaningful connections and securing media coverage. However, it is essential to tread carefully and maintain a human touch in communication to ensure genuine and authentic relationships with media professionals – especially considering we are a LONG way away from AI being able to generate media lists or fully automate outreach.


Tread Carefully with How You Use It Though 🚩

While the potential benefits of AI in Digital PR are significant, it is crucial to approach its implementation with caution. AI is a tool that should enhance and complement the work of PR professionals, rather than replace them entirely.

Human intuition, creativity, and relationship-building skills remain irreplaceable in the world of PR. It is essential to strike a balance between utilizing AI technology and maintaining a human-centric approach to ensure the most effective PR strategies, both in digital and traditional PR, as well as other careers.


So, Are We Likely to Be Replaced by Robots Soon? 🤖

The fear of being replaced by robots is a common concern in many industries, including PR. However, the role of AI in Digital PR should be seen as an opportunity rather than a threat.

While AI can automate certain tasks and improve efficiency, it cannot replicate the unique qualities that human PR professionals bring to the table. The human touch, empathy, and the ability to understand and adapt to complex situations are invaluable assets that AI can’t fully replicate.


In conclusion:

AI offers tremendous potential for the future of Digital PR. By leveraging AI-powered tools, PR professionals can streamline ideation, acquire new skills, automate routine tasks, improve content creation, and enhance the outreach process.

However, it is essential to approach AI implementation carefully, ensuring that human intuition and creativity remain at the forefront. As long as PR professionals embrace AI as a valuable assistant rather than a replacement, we can unlock new possibilities and thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.